Chemical(autoclave) Indicators designed to respond with a chemical(autoclave) or physical change to one or more of the physical conditions within the sterilizing chamber. Class 1 through 6- not a hierarchical rating. -Class 1 - External indicators -Class 2 - Specific tests ( Bowie-Dick ) -Class 3一Single-variable indicators (react to one of the critical varia bles) -Class 4 - Multi-variable indicators (two or more critical variables) -Class 5- Integrating indicators (all critical variables) -Class 6- Emulating indicators (all critical variables - -are cycle specific) Class 6: Emulating Indicators Emulating indicators are cyde vericaron indicators which shall be designed to react如all crical variables for specifed sterlizabon cycles. The SVs are generated trom he criscal variabies of the speciled sterlizabon proces. Difference between class 5 and class 6 chemical(autoclave) indicator strips Class 5 Class 6 Design performance to allow chemical(autoclave...