
Selection of medical packaging materials

Medical packaging should choose suitable packaging materials and packaging methods. In addition to the sterilization method, the packaging method must also consider the sterilization items. A lot of research has been conducted on this, and there are many kinds of medical packaging materials on the market.
           To understand sterilization methods and packaging requirements can help us make the right decisions when choosing packaging materials. Only designed specifically for sterilization and approved for use by FDA approved packaging materials. For example, Anqing Kangmingna Packaging Co., Ltd has obtained FDA certification in 2017. And the products include sterilization reel, steam tape, sterilization packaging, tyvek pouch etc. In addition to another sterilization methods, there are following basic requirements:
Steam sterilization packaging material must be with stand the high temperature of 121 °C - 135 °C, air discharge, penetration of water vapor, and keep drying of packaging materials in contents;
Ethylene Oxide(EO) Sterilization Packaging materials must allow the penetration and discharge of EO gas (ventilation process);
Heat-sealing sterilization packaging materials must withstand high temperatures of 160°C-204°C within 2 – 3 hours without melting, burning or other reactions;
Plasma sterilization packaging materials must withstand extreme vacuum, do not absorb Sterilizer, do not affect the sterilization cycle, and not detrimental to the items to be sterilized.
In addition to choosing the right packaging materials, we should also understand how to properly use the packaging materials to achieve the purpose of sterilizing agent penetration, sterile barrier, and aseptic opening of packaging materials.



Reference Standard For Seal Verification of Sterilization Pouches For Medical Devices

With the increasing demand for  sterilization pouches  of medical devices, quality and safety inspection have become more and more stringent. sterilization pouches of medical devices (blister box +  tyvek roll  material,  sterilization paper bag , etc.) as a form of packaging directly in contact with the device and used to block microorganisms. No matter what form of packaging, it has two characteristics, which can meet the sterilization operation and remain sterile until the transportation conditions are used. Therefore, relevant departments began to focus on the review requirements of sterile packaging and make specific requirements for its performance and quality.   As we all know, GB/ t19633-2005 "packaging of ultimately sterilized medical devices" is one of the authoritative standards in the current sterile packaging standards. It is equivalent to iso11607-2003 "packaging of ultimately sterilized medical devices". Clarify the basic performance req...

What is Self Seal Sterilization Pouches

  self seal sterilization pouches  is carried out in hospitals and medical or surgical sterilization manufacturing plants. Most packaging must be sterile when delivered to the end user. Medical self seal sterilization pouches provides protective envelopes for sterilization to protect against sterilization during disinfection, transportation, storage and delivery to the final home. Medical self seal sterilization pouches can assemble and secure several sterilization items required for a given surgical procedure and be ready for operation.   The term "sterilization" covers a wide range of products. A cotton ball, a cotton swab, and a tongue spatula are examples of "treatable products." Use them once and throw them away." Use once is not a synonym for cheap. Some very expensive sterilizations, such as dialysis filters, are themselves too fragile to be cleaned and reused after sterilization. To save costs, reuse is desirable. Most medical sterilization, such as sci...

If You Think Your Pouch is Just a Pouch, Wait Until You Read This

  Do you know what self sealing sterilization pouches are? If not, then read on to learn more about these amazing products. A self-sealing sterilization pouch is a bag that can be sealed and opened with one hand and contains an atmosphere that will destroy bacteria and other microorganisms in the bag's contents.   Self seal sterilization pouches   have been used for decades in hospitals worldwide because they offer excellent protection against contamination of medical instruments, surgical equipment, or pharmaceuticals during transport or storage. When self sealing sterilization pouches are used to package medical devices or pharmaceuticals, the self seal sterilization pouch provides a barrier that protects these products against moisture and contamination during shipping. This helps ensure that when your customers use them in their procedures, they will be safe for patient care. What do you truly understand about the sterilization pouches you use? What should you be awar...